Commercial applications of (CNTs) soon to be realised
First discovered in 1991, carbon nanotubes have remained largely a laboratory
curiosity. Now, researchers at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) are
out to change that by producing carbon nanotube-based devices for
commercial applications.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are a hexagonal network of carbon atoms rolled to
form a seamless cylinder - a sort of "chicken wire" lattice of graphite. "This
material has tremendous electrical, thermal and structural properties,
however, few products utilizing CNTs have hit the commercial market," says
Jud Ready, a research engineer in GTRI''s Electro-Optics, Environment and
Materials Laboratory.
Ready is developing a CNT-based electrochemical double-layer capacitor, a
project sponsored by the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command.
Such supercapacitors would provide more power, increased energy density
(more charge per gram of weight) and longer life than traditional batteries and
capacitors that store electrical energy.
In-house production
Ready''s supercapacitors are made of two CNT-based active electrodes
immersed in an electrolyte and separated by an ion-permeable membrane
that prevents electron transfer. "CNTs are ideal to use as the active electrode
material because their nanoscale dimensions provide more surface area for
storing charge," Ready says. That extra surface area exponentially increases
capacitance - the amount of power that can be stored.
Ready began work on the project last, aided by Stephan Turano, a materials
science graduate student at Georgia Tech, and Charlie Higgins, a computer
engineering major from Georgia State University. The team has already
produced dozens of CNT supercapacitors, which have been used for
electrical tests.
Feedback from those tests helps improve the manufacturing process. For
example, the researchers have learned that when pressure is applied to
electrodes during testing, the supercapacitor performs better. With that in mind,
Ready is trying to incorporate a clamping or bolting between the two electrode
plates during production to increase pressure.
The next step is reliability testing to see how the CNT supercapacitors hold up
under different environments, which is especially important for space-based
applications. The devices are placed in a chamber that exposes them to
extreme temperature and humidity, accelerating the aging process. "We can
simulate 20 years of life in about 1,000 hours instead of having them sit around
for 20 years," Ready says.
Initially, Ready obtained CNTs from NASA''s Johnson Space Center. But with a
new piece of equipment, a chemical vapor deposition furnace, the
researchers can now produce CNTs on site. "This will enable us to try a
different manufacturing technique - chemical vapor deposition versus the
HiPCO (high pressure carbon monoxide) process - and compare and contrast
the two methods," Ready says.
The CNTs from NASA come in a bottle, which the researchers mix into a
paste and then apply between the two electrodes. "The contact between the
paste and electrodes is important," Ready explains. "By using the chemical
vapor deposition furnace, we can actually grow CNTs in situ on copper foil
electrodes, which will provide a better connection."
To produce the CNTs, gases are fed into a sealed quartz tube (about 2 inches
by 18 inches), which contains a substrate, such as copper foil or silicon
wafers. A catalyst is required to help attach the carbon to the substrate, and
Ready has been using nano-sized islands of nickel. The furnace is heated to
about 900 degrees Celsius, and the CNTs self-assemble from there, Ready
says. The entire process, from closing the furnace door to opening it, takes
about three hours, but much of that time involves cooling as the CNTs form in
about 30 minutes.
Chirality: the Holy Grail
Besides providing an alternative manufacturing technique, the new furnace
enables researchers to produce CNTs in a controlled manner: They can alter
the temperature and flow-rates of gases (hydrogen, methane and ethylene)
used to form the CNTs. Varying these factors will affect both the quantity and
quality of CNTs produced.
One of the biggest challenges is controlling the physical dimensions of CNTs,
as their electrical properties vary depending on length, diameter and chirality
(how the graphite rolls up). Controlling chirality is by far the most daunting
task, which Ready calls "the Holy Grail" of CNT production.
Some chiral arrangements yield CNTs with semi-conducting properties, while
others have metallic properties. "If you could control chirality, you could
control the ''flavor'' of the CNT," Ready explains, noting that his team wants to
produce CNTs with 100 percent metallic properties.
Although Ready focuses on electronic and power applications, CNTs hold
potential for a wide variety of uses, including flat-panel displays, electric field
generators, solar cells and loss-less motor windings.
Yet a consistent manufacturing method is the key to introducing CNT-
materials into real-world devices. "Producing one CNT-based supercapacitor
with exceptional capabilities is one thing," Ready says. "Yet producing
hundreds or thousands of supercapacitors that perform identically and reliably
enough to be operationally viable is quite another thing - and our ultimate goal."
With that in mind, Ready is trying to establish partnerships with large
manufacturers that could aid in testing and production, and recently signed an
agreement with Maxwell Technologies Inc., a San Diego-based manufacturer
of supercapacitors. "Working with external industry partners like Maxwell
Technologies will help us get CNTs out of the lab and into products that can
actually be used," he explains.
"Our strategy is to create strong win-win relationships focused on
commercializing breakthrough technologies," says Richard Smith, executive
vice president at Maxwell Technologies. "The potential for CNTs in
ultracapacitors is a multibillion dollar business, and it''s exciting to team with
such a prestigious group as GTRI."
대표자 : 강흥원
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